- 27th November 2013
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By Marie, 13 years old
As we sit in this empty baby room
Staring, at all these lonesome baby clothes
no one’s little body to fit in them
because now you are dead
They said that you did not live
registered you as stillborn
but I know that you indeed lived
for 9 months in my womb
I often saw you kick and move
I know you were an active baby
You were perfect within your little death
no reason for you to die
it was your time to live
but I guess also to die
no time in between life and death
you just went straight to heaven
My Mom says it was silent when you emerged
No sound at all not even a cry
It must have been lonesome
After waiting all that time
Now there’s no baby at all
We often bring flowers to your grave
It seems simple
But that’s all we can do for you
So now we will have to wait until our own deaths
to see you to see you
But until then we will
Carry you in our hearts