- 5th December 2021
- Jonathan Aizen
- Date: –
- Categories: Special Events
HAND Volunteer Training (virtual)
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Saturday, January 29, 2022
10 am – 12 pm
Location: Virtual
Cost: Free
Registration deadline: January 15, 2022
HAND’s volunteer training is for parents, family and friends interested in supporting HAND by volunteering in various ways including:
- facilitating support group meetings*
- offering peer support to parents with a recent loss
- coordinating funeral assistance
- serving on our Board of Directors
- doing outreach to local hospitals and healthcare providers
- planning events
- providing administrative support
* Note that HAND requires that parents wait at least one year after their loss and attend support group meetings consistently before beginning the process of training to be a facilitator (exceptions may be considered for certain circumstances).
Our next volunteer training, which will be held via Zoom, is scheduled for Saturday, January 29th from 10am-12pm. This will be the first of two virtual sessions.
- Session 1 (required for all new volunteers) will include a general orientation about HAND’s history, structure and services, volunteer opportunities, and an overview of grief and perinatal loss.
- Session 2 will be specific to peer support and facilitating support group meetings, and will be scheduled for sometime in February.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please click here to fill out an application or contact us at volunteers@handsupport.org